September 20, 2005

People changed!

How fast are people changed?
They changed quite fastly. One second they become A, and in the another second they become B.

Are they fakers?
No, they are not. They just follow their heart.

Should we upset about that?
It depends how close we are to them.

Orang memang bisa berubah dengan cepatnya. Bagi gw, gak ada yang bisa menebak diri gw selain diri gw sendiri. Perubahan itu tidak harus selalu positif, ada kalanya negatif. Yang bisa gw bilang cume, let people changed! It's their damn body, it's their hell life! If we don't like it just tell them, but that's it. We can't changed them. Only them that can changed themselves.

Is it wrong talk about others?
It is depend (psychologist favorite's answers).
I don't like to be the one who "diomongin", but i like to talk about others. Maybe you think it is a bad things to talk about others, but don't be naive we all talking about others. We do it because we need to share something with others people. Believe me or not, gossip can be a glue that can stick everybody into a whole community. Hehehe.. Kelihatan sekali saya suka bergosip! Hahaha.. I don't give a damn about it.

Kadang gw suka bingung, apa bedanya curhat dan ngomongin orang? Buat gw kalau lo curhat, otomatis lo ngomongin orang juga kan? Mungkin kalau curhat lo pake perasaan dan kalau ngomongin orang lo gak pake perasaan. Mungkin gak sih gitu?

Is talking about other make people become backstabers?
Well, i am gonna ask you back, what is backstabers?

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