February 10, 2008

letter from me

Dear nyonyah, cempreng, anak kecil, lemot, dan slebor,

My dears, how are you guys? I just opened my photo albums, looking around on Brisbane's folder. And you know what i found? A lot of our pictures! So much of our pictures on many occasions. Ekka, bbq, lebaran, puasa, pajamas party, toscanis, you named it. Then suddenly i become sentimental. I really miss those times. I really miss the times when we can do all those silly things together, how we survive Brisbane together, how we always at each other for better for worse. Only God know how much i miss us in the old times.

However, i know that things always change. It is time for us to be a grown up. It's time for us to move on, to achieve whatever we want achieve, to reach all of our dreams. Now we have to face the reality. We have to face the fact that we are all got busy in Jakarta. Nyonyah, cempreng, slebor, and me with our jobs. Lemot with the wedding plans. And anak kecil with her new profession, a job seeker. We all busy. But, deep inside we support each other. Don't you agree?

Sometimes i also blame it on Jakarta though. How we live apart. Spread all over Jakarta. It's getting difficult to gather us in one place at one time.

Busy, time, and place. Huh! Sucks.

Well, anyway. I write this letter only to say how much you guys are meaning to me. Your friendship has made my life so much easier, so much brighter. I have a new perspective of what's friends are for. Friends not always have the same interest, the same looks, or the same personality. Look at us! The six of us are so different! You guy's realize that don't you?

Then, one things that i always said that we are beyond friends, we are family. I'd always like to call you guys as a second family. I have friends, best friends, and second family.

You know what, i don't have to be worry being alone, cause i know: i have you as my back up, as my guardian angels.

We don't need to say words like i love you or i miss you everyday. Cause we prove it on the real life. That we always there for each other. For better for worse.

I have so much things to say actually, but i know words can not describe my feelings to you guys.

I love you guys, really, even when i am not showing it.

Putri aka putra

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