February 17, 2008


"We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us."
(E.M Forster)

Ok, i admit. I'm so easily inspired right now. Every quotes or poems that's represent my current situation had more deeper meaning for me now.

Those quotes, are exactly what i feel right now.

I, the one who always plan and organize things, the one who always want certainty, have become skeptic.

I always know what i want to do, always know what my goals are.
But now, i have no idea about it.

Maybe it's true, we have to make life more exciting.
Let every thing's come as surprises and make your life more colorful.

Adjust with the unpredictable.
Let it scattered.
Think out of the box, you're not robot.
And embrace the amazing experience.

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