August 11, 2007


Pernah gak menyesali beberapa keputusan yang kamu ambil selama ini?

Saya sering.

Saya sering menyesali keputusan saya. Terkadang keputusan itu saya ambil secara impulsive, hanya menuruti nafsu tanpa memikirkan panjang, secara terburu-buru. Jadinya: menyesal deh.

Saya sering berfikir, ya sudahlah ya.. Dijalanin saja, tapi terkadang tidak mempan. Saya masih tetap memikirkannya. Dan hasilnya: saya tidak bisa move on. Stuck in the moment.

There's a time that i want to push the rewind button to turn back the time. To change my decisions and do the things that i want to do after i think about it, after i analyzed it. But then, in the end i know that i was running away. I do not want to get any responsible from what i have done, or what i have decided.

And now, i'm in the process of learning. Learning to accept my decision and how to be responsible to it.

I choose who i want to be. And i want to be the responsible one. There's no time to regret my decisions. Use it as a learning process. Learning by doing. Learning by experience. Learning from the mistakes. All i need is the courage to face the reality and be it. Life is scary, so get used to it.

I don't want any regrets. All i want is..

and a truly me.

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