January 21, 2010

thank you

Have i say thank you to technology for making our life easier?

I'm thanking to founder of:
for inventing those social networking tools kind of thing.

Because of those, my friends can get my birthday reminder.
And by that, i know that I've been surrounded by wonderful friends.
Friend from elementary school to my working collage - from those who know me very well to who i just met occasionally - from those who are living in New York to those who are living in my neighborhood.

Wow, i cant say their name one by one. But it just make me feel loved.

Thank you guys.

Even if we hardly met or keep contact, you guys still willing to spend a couple second to drop by and said happy birthday to me.

Again - thank you. You guys are simply the best.


Anonymous said...

apalagi gw yg nyelamatin lo lengkap kap kaaapp..lwt semua networking tools yg udh lo sebutin itu..hehheheh :p

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