January 05, 2010

you - the second family

You know what's funny about us?

Yes - about our small but lovely second family.

Is that we always claimed that we miss each other a lot in email but yet, when we went online together, we rarely shared a big news. It seamed that nothing big to tell.

Sometimes we only gave a bit update but we definitely can stare each other via web cam in quite long time just only to see your face and hear your voice. That's quite enough to contend our longings feeling.

And that's totally fine.

Cause honestly, what I miss most from you guys is simply your daily behavior and your simply presence whenever i need you guys.

I miss you - Thia "nyonyah kitell" with off course your kitell-ness and your acted as emak2 if i was sick.

I miss you - Devin "piggy clumsy" with your clumsiness around house and your positive thinking during my low momment.

I miss you - Kris "si cempreng" with your out loud voice and your "speak up your mind" attitude.

I miss you - Mus "si lemot" with your patience and tolerance even though we bully you a lot.

I miss you - mbak Dita "si anak kecil" as the youngest one - with your "always try to cheer us up anytime and every time" atitude.

I miss our quality time.
I miss your presence a lot.
I miss time when i can call you any time.
I miss time when i can come to see you guys any time.
I miss time when i can cuddle and hug you guys.
I miss our adventure time.

Do you guys remember when was our last time to take picture? Our last time we meet each other? The six of us?

It was during Kiki's reception. Which was last year. I repeated, last year.
And we even don't have our picture together!
So, ourlast picture was taken during Tika's reception.

God, I know that we just have conference last night and didn't share news - everything seamed ordinary. Seeing Dee, watching Tika's belly. But still I miss your presence so much!

Well, yes i know that i realize that our lives is changed right now.
We live separately now.
We have our own life now: 1 hot mommy, 1 mommy to be, 1 dedicated housewife, 2 bride to be (ok, gw emang ngasal dan minta digaplok.. hihihi), and me - the single one.

But can i always say "i miss you" even though we just met online and not discuss anything?

By the way, thank you for making my life more colorful yah. My life definitely won't be the same without you guys.


the youngest one said...

like this lah pokoknya hehehehe

b488ie said...

like your new blog's template. its...shiny!! hahah unlike the old one,
miss u put